Watch & Pray ?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…The Lord has need of them … <21:3> …

3 warnings to the kingdom’s citizens:
1. Are our eyes blinded towards the glory of our Savior??v.1…11?
2. As God’s temple, are we corrupted inside??v.12…16?
3. As trees planted by God, have we born fruits outward??v.17…22?

?Give blessings in New Year – In the 80’s , gospel boolets written by Rev. C.K. Ng ??? were used greatly by God; now books by Samuel Ching ???continued the harvest among Chinese community. Booklet by Ching like “The Best Blessing”already saved numerous, translated into English, Indonesian, Burmese, Vietnamese and Russian…once a saint in NY gave it to his friend , & the friend believed at once! I recommend it for you all – to give to your relatives or colleagues.?Available in China Alliance Press or HK Church Book Room?

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