
Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…but with God all things are possible. <19:26>

Who can go to war with the king:
1. Those love the Lord all-out?v.16…26?
2. Those obey the Lord unlimitedly?v.27…30?

?In 8/12, 1934 the young American missionary -couple John C. Stam was killed in Anhwei of China. Being the 73rd and 74th martyrs of the China Inland Mission, the news of their martyrdom was widespread internationally. When their enemies barged into their house, the wife still served them with tea and cakes. They were asked where they were going when sending away under escort, and they answered, “We only know we’re heading towards heaven.” They were buried together. On their gravestone a crossed was carved, on the left it wrote“as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death”, on the right“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”. On the foundation stone a verse was written: “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”?Rev 2:10?… from“The Sacrificing Love”

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