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Hebrews Add comments

Through Faith Subdued Kingdoms! Ark Channel 16/11/2022 Wed Hebrews 11b

By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land… (v29)

* With faith, the patriarchs lived on earth as if in heaven (v7-16), waiting for the heavenly city, triumphed over death, defied earthly powers (v24-40) and experienced corporate salvation. The patriarchs, whom the world was not worthy, wanted to share with us something better that God has provided!

Hebrews 11:17-40

* A doctor once said that men are less likely to seek treatment for their illnesses, while women are smarter to seek early treatment for minor illnesses. The average life expectancy of a married man is 17 years longer than that of a single man, probably due to the influence of his wife. Before God, repent; before your spouse, listen to her advice!

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