Amazing Praise?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… Blessed be he that comes in the name of the Lord. <23:39>

It’s hard to let go — mourning and promise?v.37…39??
1. Men can break our Lord’s heart over and over, but He never forgets anyone of us?v.37?
2. The Lord left for a while, but he still remained hope for us. His grace and covenant won’t fail, He’s sure to come!?v.38…39 / Ps 118?26?

?In last year we have made several reports on the baby Philip of John ? Jessie in HK , who was suspected to have blood cancer. Being sick for half a year and had once near death, his parents had completely put his life in God’s hands. But the Lord showed His miracle , in the beginning of 07’ the baby is fully healed! Glory be to God. John ? Jessie would like to express their sincere thanks to all saints praying for them.
?Countdown: 5 days – “New Life, New Hope” crusade in HK – 19/2, 20/2 3:00pm?”Jesus the Mighty Savior”, “Healing Love”, spoken by Samuel Ching???, Dixon Yip??? – HK International Trade & Exhibition Centre in Kln Bay?, pls pray to backup .

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