He Remains Loyal?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
God is not God of the dead, but of the living? <22:32>

Jesus – what a name to me!
1. He is the God of living?v.23…33?…With him I can face death. We live as long as He lives.
2. He is the Son of the Living God?v.34…46?…He’s in heaven, on earth, and also within me!

?Changing one’s fate in 7 days?…”New Life, New Hope” Crusade HK – 19/2, 25/2 , 26/2. Speakers Samuel Ching??? & Dixon. Ip ???. Pls pray for HK ,work hard for the eternal fate of your relatives!
?A brother prayed 20+ years for salvation of his father. One day his father had a nightmare in hospital — being chased by a demon. The son comforted the father, saying that he can call on the Lord ‘s name for help. At night the demon came again in dream , the father asked Jesus to save . Then an army of “shining” angels came and the demon fled. The father awaken, he told his son about the dream & said he had already believed in Jesus. The son asked how he got to know the army came from Jesus? The father said, “Because I did beg Jesus for help!”
?Countdown: 7 days…”New Life, New Hope” gospel meeting in HK — inquiry

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