The Bride Ready?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… be clothed in fin e linen, bright and pure… <19:8>

Chorus on heaven — 2 events the universe celebrate together :
1. Wedding of the Lamb?v.1-10?– God & men united forever! Though our fortunes or status different on earth, we are the Bride & guests on that day! Do you Treasure this double blessing?
2. The victorious Christ?v.11-21?– In the ultimate battle, evil power all smashed down to the lake of fire! Today the reality unjust & gloomy, but keep yourselves in the way of the cross, the future is bright!

? Follow – Sister Chiu Chan Cheung Yong ???? (wife of Chiu Kwok Shun ????who has just taken by Lord in Toronto , had written this hymn though in serious sickness. This is the testimony of her life: “Lord how much you love me, Lord how much you love me, you come and give your life, save me from death and sin; Lord I give you my life, Lord I give you my life, longing, loving and serving you, all my heart seek your pleasure, through this life I follow you”?She sang it to her husband and 3 daughters after she had written it. The hymn was found in things she left behind, and the saints will sing it in her funeral this Saturday.?

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