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Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (v.14)

Prophecies on the last hours – beginning of Tribulation (v.4-14):
1. Heresies overrun (v.4-5 ) — be cautious!
2. Wars break out (v.6) — be calm!
3. Famines & earthquakes (v.7) — be used to it!
4. Betrayals & persecutions (v.9-12) — be brave !
The unrest of the world is urging us to preach the gospel over the world…

*Recently a couple lost all in the stock market, the wife suffering from depression. But since they met Jesus, they found hope & peace in their lives. The gospel is really the power of God!
?Countdown: 4 days – “New Life, New Hope” gospel meeting in HK – 19/2, 20/2 at HITEC, 25/2 at Ling Nan University in Tuen Mun ,& Taikoo Pri School , HK . Speakers Samuel Ching ??? & Dixon Yip ??? –back up with holy pray – for HK !

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