Great blessings !

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
…Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.

Three things to happen – when our King returns:
1. To Distinguish the good from bad and wise from foolish?v.1…13?
2. To assess our investments throughout our lives?v.14…30?
3. To Reward our good deeds on others?v31…46?

?church in HK to have crusade – 4 meetings . saints from 10 districts bring freinds to Jesus . Pls pray for this idol-filled HK !
?C. P. Chan??? & Y. M. Chong??? in HK phoned me – requested for prayers. Yee Man’s aunt Ai Fong?? was in serious sickness., situation critical after surgery. The couple are anxious about her salvation & hope to lead her to eternal life ASAP!

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