Light up my Life!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
Well done, good & faithful servant! (v. 21)

Waiting for the Lord’s Return (v.2-3; 21) :
1. Don’t just wait idly – be a wise maid – prepare oil for the lamp (be filled with the Spirit everyday), don’t let your lamp extinguish.
2. Do good , be loyal – Jesus did not mention the numbers , He only wanted His servants be honest & loyal. Jesus had entrusted his “property”–gospel, truth & witness of the Kingdom – to us -His people.

* “New Life, New Hope” crusade – time for prayer – in HK time 2/19-20 3:00pm / “Powerful Savior –/ “Healing Love –back us up with prayers:
* Note fr Sam Kong – old friend C .F .Wong hoped his mother can attend gospel meeting, so I phoned his mother & showed concern. Later C. F. brought good news – he phoned his mother after my call – & he brought his mother to Christ through the phone ! Glory be to God!

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