Father Knows Best?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
Then two shall be in the field, one is taken and one is left; <24:40>

How to face tomorrow? – focus on the Bible and Christ?
1. End of the world – no one knows the day& hour?v.36?, but we have to watch out ?v.4…8?, keep our love?v.9…14?, be familiar with the prophecies?v.15…28?& wait for Lord’s return!?v.29…35?
2. End of life – feasting will end in emptiness?v.36…41?. Life is limited, Be a wise servant, give at the right time & well-treat your brothers – prepare to meet your God anytime!?v.42…51?

?Message from India –Indian youth Santosh Gurnani (Sunny) who was brought up in church of God in HK, is now back to his homeland to share God’slove to his relatives , sum up his letter — How excellent is Lord’s name in all the earth…I witnessed to others even in the plane. I really found a church in India; to worship happily…. can’t imagine so many Christians in India. I attended 2 family worships, saints fervent to Lord! here sermons about the testimonies of Gideon, Daniel & Jesus. God spoke to my heart – He is going to have great work on us…yesterday I share the gsopel in a KFC, people came to hear one by one…I had already testified to my relatives here, pls pray for it! Glory be to God – Sunny in India

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