Work with the King!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
remain here and watch with me… <26:38>

Story of love – pouring, watching, repenting?Mt 26?:
1. Pouring (Mt 26:10) — a family moved to new house . Their 3-year-old daughter left her doll in old house . In love the father drove several hundred miles back to find the doll & comfort his beloved daughter. Love changes views & deeds . Doing beautiful thing for the Lord in critical moment pleases Him most!
2. Keep watching (Mt 26:40-41) – Jesus’ soul sad even to death, he needed disciples to support & keep watching . We often seek our own benefits at the expenses on God’s, but His 3 times of prayers of Lord left us good example!
3. Repenting (Ps 51:17) – The nature of the “cross” is “loss before gain”, “shame before glory”,“death before life”. A teardrop of repentance is precious as pearl. A broken and sorrow heart, O God, you will no put from you! (Ps 51:17)

?209 souls saved in first 2 meetings – New Life , New hope crusade , Church in HK
?near 2,000 attends crusade HK yesterday.– on Jesus’ salvation in 4 aspects. In meeting , A friend had stomachache while listening, but miraculously didn’t go away. He thought inasmuch as stomachache now, why not echo altar call and receive Jesus? So he went out and came to Christ !
?My friend Sam Wong drove his mother to meeting.?though old Mrs. Wong in wheel chair , she still brought her local homehelper to the gospel?. With their effort the worker saved!
?Over hundred of souls went out to atar call – , many in tears. (I counselled a father, and his daughter couldn’t help tears. His son-in-law was delighted too. I asked,“Uncle, do you truly believe in Jesus?”He said, firmly, “Sure!”?

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