Go all Nations?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… I am with you all the days, until the completion of the age. <28:20>

Jesus name — representing the highest authority (v.16-20)
1. On hearing Jesus name Satan will flee – God has the highest authority of the universe. God had given all authority to Jesus – in heaven & on earth!
2. Whenever we exalt Lord’s name we can overcome – the Lord completed salvation – was made Lord & Christ – to defeat Satan, freeing men from darkness to His kingdom
3. All sinners who called on His name will be saved – He is King, by His name He gains all nations to be his people (disciples) till the end of the world.
Call on His name – now!

?Don’t wait – Last night Bro Andy who is a teacher – told me that his young colleague committed suicide in the lunar new year holiday. Everyone need Jesus! Share the gospel at once!?Pls pray for his school as well as souls around you you.?
* Messages of the last gospel meetings , HK – by Samuel Ching & Dixon Ip
19/2 – Jesus the saviour (107 saved)
20/2 – Healing Love (102 saved)

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