Sleep without Fear!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
He saved others, Himself He cannot save… <27:42>

Victory at last – the suffering Lord, the sacrificing love:
1. “My God, my God”?v.46a?…In times when God seems to have departed, are we still clinging to the weak faith till dawn comes?
2. “Why have you forsaken me?”?v.46b?…When we thought even ourselves are forsaken by God, are we still crying out our deepest pain to Him?
Greatest blessings often come out of suffering – it deepens our relationship with Abba, — the greatest blessing of all.

?I knew a taxi driver who possessed 2 taxis in 1997 (worth a few millions including licenses) & a flat also…but all gone in financial depression. He and his wife deeply depressed, his wife even hid herself from outside world…till his 2 daughters believed in Jesus and witnessed the heavenly hope to them- they found peace. Now his wife is active in church, helping many to God; he himself becomes a contented & happy driver, and he often tells his passengers about God’s grace. He is now even a deacon in church !

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