True Light is Already Shining! – Sunday Hope_25/12/2022

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Righteous are Your Judgments Sunday Hope 25/12/2022 Revelation 16

“Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” (v15)

* God’s judgment of heaven and earth and the nature (v. 1-9), plus God’s judgment of the whole world (v. 10-21). How righteous! How true! These are the acts of God in response to the incessant prayers of a vast multitude of His believers! Don’t be frustrated, but keep a close watch on the meticulous timetable of God.

Relevation 16:1-21

* Now December is nearing its end. Let’s listen to the harpist song: I Love to tell the story/span>

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