Names Written In The Book Of Life!

Revelations Add comments

The Lamb Will Overcome Them! Ark Channel 26/12/2022 Mon Revelation 17

…and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” (v14)

* Note 6 comparisons in Revelation:
- The servants of God sealed by God vs the men sealed by the beast.
- Faithful church vs adulterous harlot.
- Tribes and nations redeemed by the blood of the Lord vs the many people and nations of the waters.
- Those with names written in the Book of Life vs those whose names are not written there.
- The worship in heaven vs the suffering on earth.
- The triumph of the Kingdom of God vs the perdition of the kingdom of the devil.
Which side are we on?

Relevation 17:1-18

* “Hallelujah Chorus”, Amen from “Worthy is the Lamb

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