The Book of Life?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… they …shal l reign with Him a thousand years. <20:6>

2 ultimate destinations :
1. The book of life — The epitaph of Benjamin Franklin, the gaint that paved foundation of USA, reads, “Franklin lay here, like a cracked old book. But the author of this book will last forever, I believe He will repair it, that it may reappear with its new and beautiful version.”
2. The lake of fire –Those resisted God & fled from his presence? God will fulfill their wishes, & send them to a place which they can never see God again!

*-My Calling – Gospel meeting with Michael Chang : Michael Chang is a skilled hand in professional tennis, winning numerous awards in tennis world, even climbing up to second place in world record. He was born in a Christian family, baptized in his 16 , now studying Theology . He strongly believed that our Lord determined the victory or defeat. Witnessing and telling people that Jesus changed him and enriched his life are his most important task. (Interpreter / speaker: Yong Man Chan- Kln City Baptist Church, 9/1/06, Mon ,7:30 pm) Pray!

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