Keep yourself near the Lord!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…and led Him away to crucify. <27:31>

A Holy Life :
1. Though our Lord possessed holy authority, he didn’t response to men’s attacks?v.11…14?
2. Though our Lord had the power to destroy, he didn’t fight back?v.20…21?
3. Though our Lord had the freedom to choose, he didn’t went down from the cross!?v.34…44?

?In last gospel meeting on 19/2, Bro Samuel Ching the speaker mentioned he had visited a woman whom was possessed by demon. Due to the idol worship of her husband’s family, she had been crazy for 16 years. When the brothers arrived , she ran out of the door angrily. So the brothers commanded her to went back home -in the name of Jesus, & took away her weapons. They kept proclaiming the Lord’s name…when her husband was back , demons left his wife & she was conscious again. The whole family turned to Jesus from then!

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