Never too late?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…I have not come to call … sinners. … <2:17>

New age , true rest (v.18-28):
1. Start of the new age – Christ is our bride, new cloth & new wine! Rejoice, for with Him our lives are miniatures of banquet in heaven!
2. Christ, the Lord of Sabbath – He grants us true rest ! (v. 23-28)

* Good news from Chow’s family – “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible! God saved my family-my mother & sister received Jesus, even promised to clear idols. Thanks God for hearing church’s prayers. May God bind Satan, strengthen their faith & free my father, mother & sister to church meeting & be baptized.
Testimony – : 1. Before meeting my sister even wanted to leave…so I couldn’t believe the reply slip she handed to me – she received Jesus! After she departed I was still dubious. Till I went home, chatted & prayed aloud with her again , I was sure she had received the Lord sincerely.
2. My mother worshipped idols . In last gospel meeting she slept for most of the time, but was waken before altar call. When the speaker called, she stood up and whent forth!.
3. That night , before dinner, my whole family prayed together, hand in hand. So sweet! Glory & praises & honor be to my God, my Lord! — Ka Kwong, Ka Shing ,HK”

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