In Him is Life!

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
…Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him? <4:41>

Who is God’s servant? – 3 things to remember :
1. Listen clearly?v.13…25?… God will speak to our hearts, listen!
2. Let God work?v.26…29?… Sow with all your might, then sleep & wait for harvest!
3. Be tested?v.35…41?… Take His word , have faith in His power!

?The boss, Mrs. Siu, of 2 restaurants is an interesting Christian. She met some mentally handicapped some years ago , & was moved by the Lord to do something . Despite all hardship, she started a restaurant in district of famous schools, providing job opportunities for handicapped. with God’s love, trained them, letting them work & live with dignity. She also brought them to church, dine with them after meeting, reviewing their work and teaching them the Bible. Finally she saw improvement in character of her workers. Now she owned 2 restaurants which can serve 200 customers in each afternoon. Love is in action & deed !
?Recently a documentary film cast by famous director attacking the resurrection of Jesus, shaking the faith of many. Experts’responses click

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