Holy Connection?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
… sown on the good ground … bear fruit… one a hundred fold .

No shortcut for growth – 2 things to grow wise :
1. Keep your heart pure ?v.1…20?
2. Experience hardship with the Lord?v.35…41?

?Footprints of saints – The God-loving couple K. Y. Tsang and K. L. Wong??????? have moved to NZ a few years, now living in Hamilton.?They’ve been back to HK recently to bring relatives to gospel meetings. 2 were saved.?God brought them out through a shadowy valley (their daughter died 3 days after birth). With divine comfort & healing , now their family is zealous & strong again , God also gave them another baby. 6 months Tsang started his ministry as an elder in church (open Brehren church) . Those prayed for them for years in tears should now give thanks to God!?Ples pray for NZ, Tsang reported that less than 5 % are genuine Christians -among the 4 million + population in NZ?To know Hamilton, click

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