My Hope, My Strength?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him … ( v. 14?19 )

Choosing His disciples:
1. Praying for whole night – seeking God’s will – Personnel is most important for a company. When Jesus chose His disciples, he prayed for whole night to seek God’s will (Luke 6?12)?
2. Train them, pray for them – Seeing the faithfulness of these ordinary people, Jesus trained them , prayed for them. Finally they became elite gospel messengers, laying down their lives for the Master
The greatness of Jesus – He can use ordinary people to accomplish great work for God. Are we valuing people so high?

*I received much news about depression and problem on interpersonal relationship. It’s better to seek help early. The HK Institute of Christian Counselors is newly set up, check or 2374 3888
* The hospital pastors’ service is very effective. If you have relatives in hospital, no matter you are in HK or overseas, can contact them to comfort & preach to your relatives — check or 2339 0660

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