Be Dynamic?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
(Jesus) said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. <3:5>

Saving for the wiling?v.3?5?:
1. Shriveled hand – Faith is putting our imperfectness into God’s hands!
2. Stretched hand – Power is gained when obeying Lord’s words!

* Footprints of saints – W. M. Chin??? moved to Singapore from HK, was back to HK for a visit. He & his family served in Singapore. With an unchanged zeal he preached & pastured full time, may Lord bless him. HK Sister K. Y. Chow ??? will work in Singapore from March ,for at least 9 months, pls pray for her that she may be a blessing there.
* Josephine Chan askes about the situation of sister M. Y. Law???who has cancer. Needs the information to tell her son so that their family can pray for her evert night —
?M. Y. Law???, wife of C. L. Tang???, suffering from serious cancer. She had requested for prayer support recently. In past 2 weeks the couple continued to gain strengthen from Bible; the Lord still keeping them. Bro Tang still serve God & wants to thank you all. ( Sis Law goes to mainland for treatment every week. Her 12-year-old daughter soon to apply for secondary school, may Lord direct her, & glorify His name in her weakness.?

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