Secure Divine?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
… Go to your home to your own people, and tell them how great things the Lord has done for you … <5:19>

Weclome Him , or Reject Him??v.1…20??
1. Our Lord traveled thru storm to save – Jesus knew our agonies & came to save!?Mk 4:35 – 5:1-20?
2. Men valued money more than life – Are we driving Jesus away in fear of losing money & profits??v.13?17?
Be careful, Satan likes to hang around in money-loving cities!

?Elder S. W. Tong??? recalled his granduncle – an alcoholic, was seldom conscious. The doctor found his 2 lungs badly injured & he could only survive 3 months. He was panic, but what can he do? His relatives told him to accept Christ on his bed. He refused at first, but walked out of hospital after praying. Then he regretted for wasting his whole life, knelt to pray, accepted Jesus with his family. After that once he went to a feast , his friend urged him to drink again. He said his life was brought back by Jesus, refused even a drop of it. Christ gave him 3 more extra years , and his life was never so peaceful, happy &hopeful!
* Hackers’ attack – Chinese page of Ark Channel’s website? invaded by hackers, now fixed, but pls pray for HIs protection for the ministry

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