Lord, keep me?

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
..came and fell at His feet … <7:25>

The Human Hearts ?v.14…23??
1. Evil comes from our hearts – Our Lord warned us that evil motives (evil intentions) is the root of contamination.
2. Sins corrupt our lives – sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly… Watch out!

?Bible changes a murderer – In 1936 a worldwide conference of Christians was held in San Francisco. A friend from the Solomon Islands showed a stick with numerous slashes of knife. The slashes serve as records of those he killed. Until he met Jesus he knew his sins, repented and read His Bible every day !
?Uncle Tong the former murderer called me in March 2007 – He is going to witness Jesus to a crowd of drug addicting youths (some are on recovery). Pls pray for him & the lives of many!

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