Courage to you !

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…Whoever desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross .. follow me. <8:34>

Grow Wise- Two Blessings of Life– :
1. The greatest discovery – knowing Christ!?v.27…30?
2. The most prestigious investment – following Christ!?v.31…38?

?No more hatred – C. P. Chan ???and his wife request for prayers in Ark Channel last few weeks, here ‘s good news .Their aunt & uncle received Jesus in gospel meeting & hospital separately. Aunt’s life preserved twice after surgery, giving a chance for this broken family to get reconciled. By the great love of Christ, last week uncle confessed & repented in fr0nt his wife near death – in tears . “For the message of the cross…to us who are being saved it is the power of God!”[1 Cor 1:18]

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