God’s will be done on us!

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
the gospel must first be preached to all the nations. <13:10>

The Son of Man so near?Mk 13??
1. Before the Tribulation ?v.5…13?
2. Within the Tribulation?v.14…18?
3. Toward the end of Tribulation?v.19…27?
Suffering helps the spreading of gospel !?v.10?11?

?Bro Y. F. Lam??? passedaway in peace. (His father K. C. Lam??? had served in the Lord for his entire life. ) Before he was back to heaven , he prayed for an hour , & the Lord spoke to him , called him back home. So his faith was strengthened & answered the Lord’s call in peace!?funeral…22/3 (Thur) 1:00pm
HK ?
?75% of elderly in America prays everyday; half of those aged 65+ read Bible every week (while it’s 27% for the youths). In view of aging populations among cities & churches everywhere, how can we help the aged? I recommend a book– “Complete Guide to Caring for Aging Loved Ones”????????????published by ???????.?

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