All things new?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes … <21:4>

Look, in the distant place — it’s dawning :
1. See a new heaven & a new earth ?v.1? …No more sea, source of evil & pain disappeared!
2. See holy ciity, new Jerusalem?v.2?…The bride / church beautiful, great work of salvation completed!
3. See, the tent of God is with men?v.3…4?… God will wipe away all tears; no more death, or sorrow, or crying or pain; for the first things have passed away.
4. See, all things are made new?v.5…6? …No more defects, regrets or lacking; the water from the fountain of life eases our thirst forever!

?Pastor Arnold Yeung ??? who had suffered from cancer, experienced disaster in 911, written up 100+ books, comforting numerous patients. HIs commentary of Revelations remarks on the 21st chapter of, Revelation , “…at the ending of the world, or towards the end of our life, when we lift up our wearied eyes and take a glance forward – it’s nothing but the Lamb who was killed for me, and now sitting on the throne standing before us. O, how wonderful! There is no Satan, nor its servants; only my Lord waiting for me with smile. I can throw myself into His arms peacefully. This is called the dignity of death.” —– and soon he passed away suddenly and got into Lord’s arms.

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