Lord, come & fill me!

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
And they compel to go with them a certain passer-by, Simon …that he might carry his cross. <15:21>

Death of God’s servant – 2 miracles?v.21…41?:
1. The earth shook?ref Mt 27: 51?…Mount Sinai shook when the Law was proclaimed. By the death of Christ ,the curse of Law is removed, and we are freed!?Rom 10:4; Gal 3:10…14?
2. The curtain torn?Mk 15: 38?…The death of our Lord paves a new & living way…

?Bible – the book of wonders…Every alphabet of the Bible in its original text represents a number. The Book of Esther recorded 10 names – 10 sons of the wicked Haman, all were hanged on gallows. Scholars found that the “sum” of these 10 names is 1946. It happens that in 1946 exactly 10 Nazi war criminals stood for trial
in Nuremburg — all hanged. (Believe it?)

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