Sunday Hope

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
And Jesus said, I am! <14:62>

Cause I know whom I have believed:
1. Eternal work … “Jesus said, ‘this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many…” <14:24> Only this work of salvation can last forever. Lord, thanks for your sacrificing love!
2. Immortal figure … “Jesus said, ‘I am’ <14:62> the world and men are ever changing, only Christ can stand forevsr , He is always reliable!

?Bro K. Y. Tsang??? moved to NZ from HK, settled in Hamilton in the north island. Recently he is back to HK to share gospel with his relatives. good news –…”On the Saturday before we leave for NZ both of my parents accepted the Lord. It’s so good! On that morning, seeing that I’m going to leave soon, I had an in-depth talk with each of them. Miraculously my father prayed with me, confessed his sins and accepted Lord. After this is my mother, she wanted Jesus also! They even agreed to let me cleanse all the idols… few days ago my father-in-law believed also…thanks for your prayers! Lord’s blessing be with you. Kin Yip”?Bro Tsang is church elder in Hamilton , NZ?

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