God can do

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
…My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? <15:34>

Beyond expectation – 2 wonderful witnesses:
1. Centurion’s witness – Gentiles will admit Jesus as the Son of God!?v.39?
2. Joseph’s confession –Jesus’ sacrifice made a “hidden believer” strong & brave to work openly for the Lord.?v.43…47?

?HK Sister ??? S. F. Wong’s mother…H. S. Chan??? felt ill last week. Her case serious; will receive medical report today. Their family in church for 3 generations, serving & loving God for years. Pls pray for her family …that whatever happens they can still have peace.
?Yesterday’s sharing on Biblical alphabets & numbers was interesting, like the book of “Bible code”. However we never agree to use the Bible for soothsaying. God’s words aim at“make us wise for salvation”. In this 5 years, Ark Channel wrote on Bible outlines & inspiration daily only for one reason – that our mind be renewed day after day – & to know Him more!

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