Fear not the dangers – not I , but Christ

Mark, Voice Divine Add comments
and the Lord worked with them… (v.20)

Last strongest promise – He is still working!
1. Go – The Spirit is working inside us – to bring us out of our own small world.
2. Work – The goal of our lives is to carry on Jesus’ mission – just as He had come to give His life in serving! (Mk 10: 45)
He was dead, and behold He is alive for ever and ever.(Rev 1: 18)

*Always pray and not give up – The family of John & Jessie (HK) whom had requested few times for prayers: their BB Philip faced blood cancer and in danger last year. The church and saints prayed hard for them. In last night’s prayer meeting , Jessie gave thanks to the Lord — the baby’s fever brought down after 10 months, his blood is okay, white blood cells level resumes normal! Their family praised God, and thank you all who prayed for them. May glory be to God Most High!
* ???, ??? C. P. Chan & Y. M. Chong’s(HK) aunt – Oi Fong??, just believed in lunar new year together with her husband. Bro Chan just told me that his aunt’s condition went worse. Pls pray, that God may grant her peace & hope, & keep her till the end.

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