Let go, let God

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
I am not come to call righteous persons, but sinful ones to repentance.

Go to the Father :
1. From God, for God and to God — Success might be the beginning of failure — Jesus does not focus on results & development, but fellowship with Abba father .
2. Withdraws for prayers can maintain the holiness of your serving — if we neglect listening to God, your holy serving will be defiled to human work.

* Tse family from US — Thanks to the mercy of God, the operation of Shirley’s sister, Candy, was done on 4 Apr in HK. It was diagnosed as cancer by three specialists, but it was found a cyst what a miracle! It’s all the work of God as well as prayers from you all . The story would not be totally different without your prayers! Blessed be those who shared the burden with us in Christ. Glory to Him! — Shirley and Edward, fr US
* During Easter holiday, church in HK had two conference –Jesus Christ and him crucified. 2000+ saints committed themselves to God. After that 280 working saints committed to walk on the way of the Lord. Pls pray for the revival of HK !

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