Way of the cross!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
Jesus …in the power of the Spirit … His message has authority. (v.14, 32)

His Love with power & authority:
1. Full of power (4: 14) – Famous brands are expensive – because of excellent quality control. . Jesus’ sacrifice passed God’s quality check –only those pass it can be filled with the power of Spirit.
2. Words of authority (4: 32) — Instruction from CEO is most powerful in a company. As Jesus is the Lord, His words have authority on men. – also cast away our weakness, darkness, emptiness & weariness.

* the hardest things in human bodies are the teeth! God gives every adult 32 teeth only, but the food they chewed in whole life can fill more than 10 trucks, 50 tons each! Thanks God!
* 280+ youths attended conference in HK (3 days- 6 sermons). topic – “The Way of the Cross”, Pls pray for them to become future witnesses of Christ & His church!

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