Consider Him?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… but the Son of man has not where He may lay His head. <9:58>

The Call of love :
1. Be prepared to deny yourself… it’s impossible for someone who enjoy easy lives and be a true disciple ?v.57…58?
2. Carry you cross… grasp your chance to love the Lord! ?v.59…60?
3. Follow Him… “being absolute” is the common sign for those really follow the Lord on the way of cross!?v.61…62?

?Prayer of the righteous is powerful — This week ,pls pray for several saints in sickness …M. Y. Law(???), T. C. Lam’s??? wife, suffering from cancer, now receiving treatment in Panyu; H. S. Chan’s(???) situation not so good, she needs grace from Jesus ; N. C. Ng’s (???) father got a stroke, staying in Kowloon Hospital; C. S. Cheng(???) seems to have a cancer relapse..Will see doctor on Tue (his son Won Kit(?? ) also waiting for chemotherapy / electrotherapy after brain surgery); sister Y. W. Lam(???) is recovering after 2 electrotherapies.

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