Grace upon Grace?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… Your faith has saved you; go in peace. <7:50>

Saved by faith, blessed by love:
1. When prayer seems useless?v.18…35?– When God turns down your wishes, don’t be despair, tell Him everything ! Our Lord has the last say on our service.
2. When tears help us see better?v.36…50? …tears can’t save us, but God won’t despise a broken & contrite heart.

?Waves of immigrants paving way for the last hour – The Puritans brought spiritual revivals when they fled to America and Australia. In the Second World War, millions of Jews fled to the West & back to the holy land. Numerous Chinese moved South East Asia in times of war & gave rise to churches. Before the handover of HK, several hundred thousands elites moved to cities over the world. Now millions of Eastern Europeans are moving to the west, 25 millions from North Africa & Middle East are moving into Europe. 500 millions are moving from rural areas to cities over the world – prepare yourself a map to pray for the saints & churches scattered over the world!
* -“Jesus Christ & Him crucified (1) ” – sermons given by Samuel Ching ???

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