Remember me, Lord!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
… that they who enter in may see the light. <8:16>

Listen to God words –in all situation:
1. In danger and hardship?v.22…25?
2. Under Satan’s attacks?v.26…39?
3. In serious sickness?v.40…48?
4. In mourning of death?v.49…56?
When He said “we can go over to the other side” , it will be done accordingly! In whateever situation today, catch hold of God’s promise!

?Messages of “Jesus and Him crucified – 2” (church HK) – Cantonese, by Samuel Ching????:
?Footprints of saints: K. Y. Kwan’s???family to HK , now back to Darwin in Australia. His father S. C. Kwan??? believed in Jesus in his 90 & passed away peacefully at 93. He suddenly fell sick just before he was going to be baptized. His family & saints prayed urgently at that time, the Lord healed him miraculously, so that he can be baptized into the name of Christ.The whole family attended Sunday gathering every week til he was back to heaven.

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