As poor, yet making many rich!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
when thine eye is simple, thy whole body also is light… <11:34>

Let God’s words lighten your heart:
1. Flee from cravings of flesh… Samson the warrior?Samson =Sunny?had become a blind prisoner, dying gloomily.
2. Avoid the lust of eyes … Lot had started the journey with Abraham, yet had a sad ending due to drunkenness.
3. Abstain from pride of this world … Saul was blessed and made king, yet fell low to consult the spirits and later killed himself.

?Uncle Tong -my friend had been in prisons 9 times and finally repented in his middle age. Yesterday he shared …he visited the Victoria Prison with university lecturers. He recalled that 60 years ago he was chained and escorted into that prison cell no. 2 of the Victoria Prison. Visiting the prison after 60 years, he sighed, but yet he also praised the Lord. God love the world’s sinners, His mercy never changes!
?Special sermons “Way of the Cross” (HK) 4th sermon?Cantonese?: Effect of the Cross

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