At Morn Rejoicing ?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
Strive with earnestness to enter in through the narrow door <13:24>

The Lord’s tolerance, love & power?v.1…17?:
1. Don’t ask why tragedy comes – but treasure the time God gives to us today! ?v.1…9?
2. Don’t sacrifice any individual to fit the system – Not a single day can be delayed to save a suffering soul!?v.10…17?

?”Way of the Cross” hymn-sharing section (2)
?Please pray for 105,266 F.5 students going to have their public exam in HK —“Can you request for prayers for the F.5 brothers & sisters through the Ark Channel? Thanks a lot! — as requested by Bro Ng Shueng Yee, a F.5 student in HK”

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