I know who holds tomorrow!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
when you make a feast, call poor, crippled, lame, blind… <14:13>

The doctrine to host and to guest:
1. God be the host, we are the guests?v.7…11?… Our distance with God depends on our values in His heart.
2. Invite those who can’t repay you in this life?v.12…14?…In this life , do our best to care those poor, crippled, lame and blind with God’s love – then God will reward by making us His guests when the righteous resurrects!

?news in mainland – young people got to know each other just because of a wrong number dialed. Quickly & crazily they fell in love, even got married very soon. Yet they started quarreling for trivial things ,then divorced as quickly. Pastor Y. C. Lee ??? specialized in counseling wrote a book “Before and after Marriage”, I recommend for those who soon get married. (Chinese)

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