Keep Unity!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons (v.11)

Love everlasting – the Father’s Heart ( v.11-24)
Our dearest Father, when we read the story of the lost son, again this morning we thought of our lives –
The journey of life is rugged, we once went afar, yet you never give up – your love never changes , your heart full of mercy.
In tears, our love towards you revived. In loneliness, we slightly share your heart…O Abba, we come near you … to share your holy love forever.. Amen.

?About snails-…4,000 years ago the Jews used blue snails to make dyes for the robe of high priests. These blue snails are thought to have extinguished after the Medieval. However, after Israel reborn in 1948 , they appear again. Scholars believe that when the Temple is rebuilt according to prophecies, the high priest’s robe dyed blue – by blue snails, will appear again. Our Lord is really at the door!
?Sandy Au ‘smother ( HK) has received Christ in elderly home .baptised & overflowed with joy. She passed away recently, funeral on 29/4 (Sun) 7:00pm, Pray for the family -may all come to Jesus!

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