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Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
faithful in the least, faithful also in much…<16:10>

Kingdom Fund – 3 remarks for heavenly investors?v.9…13??
1. Treasure our Days – Are we devoting all our resources in winning souls ??v.9?
2. Use your wealth faithfully – Material possessions are the “smallest things”. Are we handling them loyally? How much is invested on greater matters (on ministries/ gospel/ brothers & sisters)??v.10…12?
3. Live for Him– Honour God as our master ,then money become our servants; If we let money be our lord, we’ll be its slaves! Beware of the day “when money is useless” – make as many spiritual friends as you can!?v.13?

?Sam Kong — my father, aged 78, came to church yesterday. Pls pray for him so that one day I can witness his baptism!
?My friend Shin, a Japanese, has received Jesus in HK. He will visit Tokyo this week, pls pray that he be strong to witness Jesus’ grace to his relatives!

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