Grace is sufficient!

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
He that is faithful in the least is faithful also in much … <16:10>

On the other end of time – when “money become useless”:
1. After men’s death – souls have feelings, memories & emotions (v.23-28)
2. Eternal separation – whether one believe in God’s words when alive – Christand his resurrection – determine his fate in eternity!

?Nowadays the sexual corruption of youngsters become a problem worldwide. Josh McDowell, who has become famous by his book “Evidence That Demands a Verdict”, published another book “Why True Love Waits” in 87’. It awakened youths in 85 countries to treasure the nobleness & blessing of chastity. Being sincere & caring, the writer provide extensive reasons & numerous statistical data to make his point very clear: pre-marital sex brings heavy cost to the society & bitterness to individuals & marriage! How to keep ourselves pure ? How to help our children?The answers found in this book

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