The Overcomers !

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it… <17:33>

Seeking grace — the Lord of grace?
1. Only 1 of the 10 healed came back to thank – Are we the 9 who forgot the Lord of healing after being healed? Thanksgiving shows our willingness to live by faith on Jesus.
2. Before the life to come (when Christ returns) – In Noah’s & Lot’s days ,men lost their lives in gaining the world. When Christ returns, are we losing our lives because of the enjoyment of this life?

* Kolen Cheung (HK) requested for prayer – “my grandma is going to receive a major operation, needs a general anaesthesia. Aged 82, she has received Jesus many years ago , now is a sister with hope. May Jesus give her joy and peace.
?Last Wednesday 3 saints martyred in Turkey. Germany brother, Tilmann Geske, serving in Bible publisher, & 2 local saints, Necati Aydin & Ugur Yuksel were killed. Geske & his family have served there for 10 years. His wife Susanne & 3 children [aged 13, 10 & 8 ] decided to remain in Turkey. Pls pray for them ! (among 70 millions population in Turkey, only 130,000 believers) detailed

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