05 New Year’s Eve

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Dearest brothers & sisters?
By the end of 02’, I witenessed many who left the Lord, believers or non- believers, all fallen in miserable fates! I prayed in tears to God, & started the Channel. If you have started with me 3 yrs ago, you should have finished studying NT for 3 times!

3 years passed away, the number of saints daily receiving the Channel has, from 10+ readers, increased to 1,100 at present time, from churches I know all over the world. I always miss everyone of you.. !

Throughout 05’, Ark Channel has sent out 400,000 + mails altogether, with 1,000+
counseling letters; 5,000 SMS are sent to those sick, disheartened, in crisis and backslided. I pray that by the merciful hands of the Father, with these 2 loaves & 5 fishes, a message can be made known to all – the Lord never give you up.

In 05’, many friends experienced miracles of life, creating seeking hearts for the Bible &
a praying -net for the needy. This is my greatest reward.

I have only a Bible & a notebook computer, giving myself to prayer & the ministry of the Word. But 2 youths volunteered to translate Ark Channel into English, with another IT expert created a website in both Chinese & English?www.arkchannel.org), providing reference for saints everywhere; a few saints also come to aid in answering biblical questions raised by readers.

And the most precious ones are all of you – praying warriors, who took action in every time & every place in the whole year – responding with prayers!

Lastly, pls remember my gospel team in prayer – my beloved wife, 6-year-old daughter & my 10.5 months baby. Their sacrifices, tolerance, tears & laughter are heavenly gifts to me in this life.

your yokefellow, Sam Kong

“To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations for ever and ever. So be it” (eph 3:21)

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