Lord in me !

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
…My house is a house of prayer…<19:46>

Den of thieves or Temple of God?
1. The Lord needs it?v.28…35?…Life is short – Are we ready for Christ ‘s use?
2. Welcome Jesus?v.36…48?…If we are to enjoy the peace & healing of the Lord, let Him cleanse our hearts first!
Lord, we pray that in this life we can be a temple of prayer, with not a single prayer goes in vain!

?Because He lives – The famous writer Nicholas Sparks has 5 children. He goes to church every week. With his deep faith in the heavenly love he writes about the trueness and love in the world. He once said that a good book has 2 characteristics— it touches a certain part deep in people’s heart, ansd that its ending worth pondering once and again. (and the life of every saint in the Spirit’s hands should be like this!)

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