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Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
“Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve” (Lk 22?3)

Keep our Hearts Pure (v.1-6):
1. Disciple became betrayer – in 03’ the American space shuttle Columbia broke down, 7 deaths. It was caused by just a small damage . Many serious accidents caused by trivial things .
2. Satan is keen to tempt our hearts — Satan enters our hearts through carelessness, hatred, mistrust, envy, anger…& tempts our hearts to sin & away from God. So keep our hearts pure, for our hearts are the wellsprings of life (Prov 5?23) !

?Sam Kong – my friend Uncle Tong?? , once a gang activist but turned to Jesus, preached gospel in secondary school on Friday., 70 students saved .Pls pray for us in follow up & the 1300 students in same school ..
?… HK Economic Journal reported an interview with artist S. Y. Lau???. She founded the SoFree Media which did much good. Lau experienced hard time when at the peak of her career – while both her parents passed away in 4 months…she found no way out. Soon she found her way in alcohol & sleeping pills…praise te Lord she met Christ in her adversity, who led her out of hardship. From then she travelled through America, Canada, Middle East & Afghanistan for the gospel, dedicating entire life to Christ!

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