Master’s Touch?

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
…This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. (Lk 22?61–62)

Tears of Repentance :
1. Satan seems powerful – men’s faith was shaken again & again (v.31-34)
2. Jesus is still the Lord – even the crow of rooster was in his hands! (v.60-61)
Can we recall His words when Jesus looked at you with mercy & love? Can we realize what’s happened, and go out to cry? “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted!” (Mt 5:4)

?yesterday’s gospel meeting in a secondary school , the – ex-prisoner Uncle Tong?? upliftesd Jesus the Savior. 70+ lovely students stayed after meeting, 5 teachers divided them in groups and led them to pray. None of them wanted to go afterward!?the Lord listened to all your prayers! Pls continue to pray for the 1,300 students in this school!?
?Janet Yu???(HK) – my mother ??? was illiterate, only knowing Jesus in a film years ago, and she believed afterward. Though living far away from church, she never missed a Sunday service. Even in serious illness she rejoiced, (my mother believed in Christ in her tough times, yet God had taken care of her for years. She passed away in peace & love of family. Thanks for all your prayers.

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