Hiding place !

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
a certain Simon, a Cyrenian, coming from the field

Grace Unexpected (v26)
1. Suffering with the Lord — under interrogation in four different venues, Jesus extremely exhausted. A passer-by Simon from 800 miles away, took up the cross for Jesus – for no reasons. He companied Him through the way of the cross
2. Receiving grace — the path of cross begins when we meet our Lord. It is also the beginning of grace. Suffering and receiving grace are not coincidences.

* In 1902, missionary Robert Lamont McIntyre came to China . During the Warlord Era, as doctor, he helped saving soldiers with all his heart – until one day he suffered from acute appendicitis while he doing an operation. He passed away soon. The Lord consoled his wife through the hymn — “All the way my Saviour leads me”. She brought up her 3 sons who inherited their father’s unfulfilled wish & lived for a quarter of century more in China. The whole family gave their best for souls in China.

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