Loving God !

John, Voice Divine Add comments
And the light appears in darkness…

Two things that men need :
1. Life — In Him was life (v4a)
2. Light — the life was the light of men (v. 4b)

* “Disease & History ” — written by F.F. Cartwright & M. Biddiss. They refer the times of Roman Empire when whole country persecuted Christians .A royal army commander followed Jesus Jesus privately and let others become Christians too. Eventually, there were two young men sentenced to capital punishment by goverment. However,even the guards and the judge also beleived in Christ in 288 AD .They were also executed! The emperor could not stand with this anymore, and ordered this commander to give up his faith . The commander refused & so killed .Christian belief always hated by the world since ancient time. How can we, the follower of Jesus, stay away from suffering?
* Brother Frankie Chow sent us good news — his mothercleared all idols last week! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and listened to our prayer!

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