He Knows?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
He must increase, but I must decrease.<3:30>

Our role and our stage – the bridegroom’s friend?v.22…30?:
1. Our lives – be Jesus’ witnesses
2. Our mission – make others to focus on Christ

?Last night I dined with a few pastors. All of them have served the Lord for several decades, with one serving God for 4 generations! 2 principals of seminary colleges recalled their long struggles in nurturing thousands of servants of God. They all experienced the God who brings things from nothing. One witnessed that his father was also God’s servant. At that time his father’s salaries was $100+, sometimes couldn’t afford to take the children to see the doctor…now all children grown up and becomes faithful pastors too! . God so faithful and trustworthy !
?The disputes of the Student Press of the Chinese University of HK triggers some attacks on Bible. A Christianity group has made a comprehensive response (Chinese), click

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